Cajon Drums

Cajon Drums

Cajon percussion instruments originated from both Peru and Cuba and are now used widely around the world. We stock Schlagwerk cajons, which offer the highest craftsmanship, materials and sound qualities. The German company has been constantly innovating and refining its products since 1983. The Schlagwerk 2-in-One Cajon is a best-selling cajon drum in Europe and is now available in Australia.
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Discover acoustic perfection

German brand Schlagwerk is renowned for its quality materials, craftsmanship and sound quality – and, its commitment to perfection.

According to Schlagwerk, “Perfect sound is more than just noise. Perfect sound means perfect balance. When a Schlagwerk instrument is played, each element performs precisely in its intended characteristics and in harmony with the other components.

“Sonic waves travel through the air, through the body, are reflected by the surrounding environment and meet the processing neural receptors. If the sound is perfect, the brain (responds with) a feeling of joy. To feel this emotion is to enjoy the Schlagwerk Sound Experience.”

Choose from our carefully selected range of Schlagwerk cajons, brushes and cajon add-ons (such as the Heck Stick and Side Kick) to suit your playing style and requirements.

Cajon drums: low-maintenance instruments

There are a plethora of instruments that you could categorise as ‘high maintenance”. For example, numerous varieties require long, complicated tuning processes. Others, especially drum kits, are large, heavy and complex, making them difficult to move or travel with. Then, plenty of drums (and other instruments) require a stool or stand.

However, as UK drummer, percussionist and teacher Paul Jennings highlighted in a recent TedEd video, the cajon drum is “a drum, a stand and a seat — all in one convenient box.”

Better still, unlike drum kits with skins, the cajon drum requires minimal care — giving it another reason for its appeal — along with its incredible sound.

Ask us for advice: Many differences are not visible from the outside, so if you’d like advice on which model would best suit your needs, we’d be happy to help.

Care: No care treatments (oils of products) required!

The fascinating history of the cajon


How innovation trumped tragedy & adversity…

The cajon (aka cajone, cahon or cajun box drum) is believed to have been created by enslaved Africans working in Peruvian shipping docks and plantations — sometime in the 18th century. The original versions of the instrument may also date back to the box drums of Africa. While the popularity of the cajon is well known, the historical details – particularly of its famous sound – may not be. And the story is a classic tale of innovation and human spirit trumping oppression.

The first cajons were likely tea chests/boxes played by enslaved Africans during the breaks. Strict laws prevented the enslaved from playing musical instruments, so as all good musicians do, they improvised.

Tea boxes and packing crates were easily accessible and made of thin wood prone to warping and splitting. Interestingly, it is the splitting of this wood which likely caused the characteristic rattle or snare sound of the drum — a feature which is now carefully imitated by using snare wires.

More recent years
Over the centuries, the cajon became popular across various musical genres — from Afro-Peruvian to flamenco and Latin American music. By the 20th century, the cajon also found its way into mainstream music.

Renowned Spanish guitarist Paco de Lucia gave the instrument international recognition in the 1970s when he incorporated the instrument into his performances. Soon after, the cajon became a staple in flamenco music.

Today, the cajon box is more popular than ever. Ongoing improvements and modifications continue to be created, with none so significant as the addition of snare wires to develop that distinctive and historic snare drum-like sound.

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